Events are a powerful way to bring topics to life and people together. We organised a successful conference with 300 delegates, marrying mobility and real estate.
[W]heels network for women in transportation
A network aiming to enrich the mobility debate and solutions with more perspectives and to make power women more visible.
Short online course on EIT Urban Mobility: “car sharing, the smart way to drive.”
A two hour course, accessible for free, aimed at professionals working in the field of transport, city planning, and students in these areas.
Infographic car brands & ownership alternatives
We keep a tab on global activity of car brands developing new mobility intiatives. We did the research, made the list and keep it up to date on
Inspirational mission to Ghent “Gluren bij de Buren”.
A two day car sharing visit to Ghent with a delegation of 20 Dutch organisations and policy makers. Inspiration, experience and Meet & greet with local counterparts.